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October 11, 2010

Tomato, balloon of mozzarella, many complementary flavors



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What a beautiful end result... really gorgeous.

(And damn, girl, you're good at timing those pictures to hit on the beat and the big "moments" of the song.)

I was wondering how you'd do on this dish. I've tried those mozzarella balls three times, and I can't do them. Loving this video, but it's going to be hard to fall asleep tonight with that song in my head - thanks A LOT! :)

Amazing! Love the video - a pity the balloons didn't work perfectly but it all looks pretty delicious nonetheless (especially on the rectangular plate!)

So, I see there's a new post from you in my Google Reader, and I get STOKED because I really like your writing and I've been so ready for a new post. And then, I see... it's a video. And I'm a little sad but only for about two seconds, because CHARIOTS OF FIRE? How awesome is that? And, then Sad Keanu? I think you are my most favorite person in the world right now. I don't know HOW you did it, but this thing is edited in kinda the same way you write. It's really cool. I love it.


Sad Keanu and I approve of your usage of the Mariah Carey font (aka Ironclad).


This is awesome. No other words. Just awesome. It absolutely made my Monday.

HA! Boy, did I need this this morning. Thank you for making me smile.

I just love you to pieces.

Beyond awesome. I especially love the tomato sculptures upon which the ingredients perch. Elegant, interesting and fun. And yes, thank you, Vangelis.

This is amazing -- Sad Keanu plus chariots of fire plus some of my favorite flavors. . .now I'm hungry.

Perfect. That's all, it was perfect.

Just another person who has had their day made by visiting Alinea at Home. You're the best.

What a cool post. I loved watching your movie, what a glorious result.

Ya know, I've been thinking about this. All the Alinea dishes take a lot of time to prep; it's amazing that they can do them for service in the restaurant. Obviously the staff are extrememly dedicated and talented to pull it off day after day.

Love it!

Thank you for making these things so I don't have to.

This was just delightful.

Carol The Best Yet....love it

Epic. That was beautiful.

Really really great! I'll bet you had fun doing it too. Do you think anyone outside of the Alinea kitchen has succeeded with those mozzarella balls? Thanks for today's smile.

I loved the video format for such a long and complex recipe. Bravo!

PS, It looked gooooood!

That was great Carol! You are totally nuts -in a good way, of course. Just beautiful.

Does it hurt? How much YOU ROCK? Because you do. That was great.

(Sorry about your balls.)

This video is why i LOVE your blog.



Every week I visit your blog from my office in Belgium. Each time you amaze me. Keep on rocking!

I am constantly amazed by the time, love and effort you put into your blog, this video bears out my observation in spades. Awesome! - S

this made me so so happy. esp the cheese blobs!

That is so incredibly cool. Well done.

I was so enthralled by your video and crazy cooking that I burnt my pancakes!

Just when I think you can't top yourself you do. Keep rockin' in the kitchen Carol Blymire!

That was RAAAAAAAAAAAD!! Way rad!

From someone who's worked for the man himself - LOVED the video. Hilarious.

You haven't yet, but never let those missteps get you down (the balloons took some time to get down - many nuclear meltdowns during service!)

Even your failures are inspiration. TOO FUNNY. Had to wait till my SLOW internet worked. Well worth a gander.

You rock! I love your older blog (French Laundry) as well. As usual, pure AWESOMENESS! Thanks for sharing.

"Tomato..." is exactly the dish I describe to people when explaining how insane the Alinea "cookbook" is. I am blown away that you pulled it off solo.

you don't have to be "too cheap" to own a bunch of rectangular plates:

For US$1.95 each, a whole stack is possible...

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